Click Here to Submit Your 2019 Annual Pumpage Report

Due to the recent power problems at the District the deadline for the submission of annual groundwater use reports has been EXTENDED to February 07, 2020.

REMINDER!!! All permit holders are required to submit their annual (January-December) groundwater use by February 07, 2020. You can submit your report online using the link above. There is NO FEE required to submit your annual report. Where wells have been permitted for aggregate withdrawal, only one form per aggregation need be completed.

If you are not required to have a meter on your well, please estimate your water use based on the following guidelines:

  • Single Family Residence: 100,000 gallons
  • Mobile Home: 60,000-75,000 gallons
  • Business: 10 gallons per employee times the number of annual working days
  • Livestock (chickens, ducks, etc.): 1 gallon per head per day
  • Livestock (all other): 10 gallons per head per day

If you have any questions, please contact us via telephone at (281) 486-1105 or email.
