On Wednesday, May 20, 2020, both the Harris Galveston and Fort Bend Subsidence District held its first Joint Regulatory Plan Review Stakeholder Meeting.

Numerous Board Members, Elected Officials, Water Authorities, Representative’s from Local, State and Federal Agencies, and Municipal Utility Districts were in attendance on the webinar reaching totals of over 70.

For a copy of the presentation or to access the video of the meeting click here for meeting information and materials.

In January 2020, the District initiated the JRPR in cooperation with Fort Bend Subsidence District to estimate future changes in population and water demand, assess the availability of future alternative water supplies, review and update predictive subsidence models, and evaluate planned regulatory requirements impact on future subsidence rates. The results of this review will inform the District on potential future changes to the District’s Regulatory Plan.

Progress and results of the review will be made available through stakeholder meetings, a project specific website, and other communication channels during the project.  This initial meeting will introduce the project team of experts, provide expected schedule of activities and deliverables, and an opportunity for stakeholder interaction with the team.  We look forward to your participation and receiving your input as a valued stakeholder.

To receive updates on future meetings and other District activities register here.