In 2020, Clear Creek ISD received $21,199 from the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District’s Water Conservation Grant Program to replace traditional irrigation controllers with smart weather-based irrigation controllers using centralized control systems for their athletic fields.

In 2020, CCISD decreased water usage by 31% (2 MG) saving approximately $973.

In 2021, CCISD decreased water usage by 48% (2.2 MG) saving over $18,600.

Lessons learned:

  • Controllers not only saved water, but saved maintenance staff time as well.
  • Important to consider IT integration with “smart” irrigation controllers. Coordination between departments is critical to ensure water savings are achieved.
  • Even with smart meters – education is needed! Hydrometers (i.e., soil moisture meters) can be used to determine if brown patch signifies the need for additional water or possibly overwatering.

Total Project Cost: $52,998