The Harris-Galveston Subsidence District will hold a public hearing to present the 2024 Annual Groundwater Report on Tuesday, April 29, 2025, at 9:00 am. This hearing will be held at the District’s office located at 1660 W. Bay Area Blvd., Friendswood, TX 77546.
Participants wanting to interact during the hearing must physically be in attendance.
To view the hearing virtually, you may register for the watch-only option here.
The 2024 Annual Groundwater Report includes recent subsidence, aquifer water level, and groundwater use data. The report also shows the comparison of the recent data to previous years, providing context on the impact changes in water use and water sources can have on the occurrence and magnitude of subsidence.
The report also provides key insights on preventing infrastructure damage and potential flooding impacts caused by subsidence. With more extreme weather events and a growing population, these types of data can be used to inform decision-makers and the general public and aid in building a more resilient community.
The record will remain open until May 7, 2025, for public comment.
The report and finalized presentation will be released in late May, once the District’s Board of Directors accepts and approves the findings.